Starting a concrete edging business is a great opportunity, especially with the growing demand for custom landscaping solutions. It offers a unique niche in the market, and with the right equipment and skills, you can provide a high-quality service that stands out.
Considering the amount of Asian Hornets we are now getting after years of being careful not to bring them into this country and destroying our colonies of bees
Please find attached some information about Asian hornet we would like every member to receive. It gives information about identifying Asian hornet, the App, and asks all members to put a trap out and monitor and report.
Starting a concrete edging business is a great opportunity, especially with the growing demand for custom landscaping solutions. It offers a unique niche in the market, and with the right equipment and skills, you can provide a high-quality service that stands out.
hi all would you all like a November's garden posted?
From the Just Bees News
Do you enjoy your garden? Here are some security tips to protect your outdoor space from opportunist bur-
glars looking for a way in!
Let there be light – consider installing security lights both to illuminate your garden and deter thieves. Mo-
tion sensor lights switch on when movement is detected, sodium tubes switch on automatically when it be-
comes dark.
Beautiful boundaries – Keep shrubs, bushes, hedges, and plants cut back as they can provide a hiding place
for thieves. Check that all boundary fences, walls, and gates are in good repair. A solid barrier is an excellent
deterrent to an opportunist thief.
Lock it up – Prevent burglars from breaking into your shed or outbuildings by using a good quality lock or
padlock, consider covering windows with mesh to protect what’s inside.
Plants – consider buying trellis to put on top of fences and plants that have thorns, prickles. These make it
harder for the thief!
Don’t let burglars ruin your garden sanctuary. Find advice on all aspects of home security:
Asian Hornets
Considering the amount of Asian Hornets we are now getting after years of being careful not to bring them into this country and destroying our colonies of bees
Please find attached some information about Asian hornet we would like every member to receive. It gives information about identifying Asian hornet, the App, and asks all members to put a trap out and monitor and report.
The information has been put together on a web page if you could share this via any social media.
Asian hornet alert WhatsApp group
Get the latest Asian hornet news stories, sent straight to your WhatsApp on your computer- all you need to do is click the link below.