Upcoming Events
Tuesday 15th October 2024
Saltdean Gardening Club, Gardens question time. 15th Oct. 7.00 St. Martins church.
The panel will be made up of local professional gardeners, horticulturalists and garden designers. You will have a chance to ask questions about your garden queries to the panel and get a variety of answers and solutions to implement in your garden.
It could be useful if you submit your question in advance with your name, you can do this via Facebook messenger. This will give our experts a chance to consider your questions and give you their best advice. There may also be time at the end for questions on the day.
There will also be a plant sale with a large number of indoor plants this time
Tuesday 19th November 2024
In November we have a talk from our good friend Mike who designed the garden around the Lido.He will be talking about easy plants to grow in the local environment (more information to follow)
Tuesday 10th December 2024
In December our meeting will be a week early on the 10th. This will be a more social event with more details to follow. if you have unwanted gifts or other suitable items that you’re happy to donate for the Christmas raffle, we would be very grateful.